Sunday, January 25, 2009

Decision not to run Don Bowers 300

I am somewhat saddened to say that I will not be participating in the Don Bowers 300 sled dog race on Jan. 30th. After talking to Ray, DeeDee, and people who are in charge of the race, I feel that it is best to choose another race where the odds of breaking parts of my body are less!! The trail for this race is very icy and wet. Because of this, the race may be officially cancelled in a few days anyway. I am now back on my plan to run the Tiaga 300 beginning April 1st.


Unknown said...

Although you are sad, I'm sure you made a wise decision and will prepare for the April race with a completely healed big toe!

scoundrel said...


As the Captain says, the only time to yell or quit is when there is danger. We think you made the right decision, especially when there is another opportunity coming soon. Please keep us posted!


ketchikan auntie said...

Congrats on Everything Ms. Angie...following that "inner instinct" may not always be fun but I have found it is generally the best way to go. So sorry on the Don Bowers run...But God Bless and great speed on the April race! (which just happens to be my birthday I know your gonna win!) Ketchikan is proud of you!

ketchikanwilhelms said...

That's some stiff language! You will need to hold your own collision insurance from the sound of things. Have you properly licensed your sled? DMV might give you a break if you operate solely in a roadless area lol. Drivers agree to hold the Gin Gin 200 Organization, The Taiga Spring Break, their members, all race personnel, volunteers and sponsors harmless from any claim or demand based on any alleged action or inaction by the driver, his/her dogs, agents or others acting on his/her behalf. The driver also agrees to release the Gin Gin Organization, The Taiga Spring Break, participants, their members, race sponsors, volunteers, officials, agents and employees from any claim or demand resulting from injury to the driver, his/her dogs, or his/her property.