

Unknown said...

Hi Angie,
I'm excited for you! You are following your dream. My classroom will be doing a few fund raisers here in Metlakatla. The countdown is fast approaching. Good Luck & God Bless.
Sharon L. Brooks
Third Grade Teacher in MTM

Anonymous said...

Hey i love your website theme and good luck out there and be careful.
From,Megan K. Grundy Center

Anonymous said...

By the way i forgot to put Iowa after Grundy Center.
From Megan!

Anonymous said...

hi Angie,
Hey,you have the same name as my mom. I love your website. I love your dogs they are really cute and they seem so sweet.
form,Katy H. Grundy Center,Iowa

Anne said...

Dear Angie,
You are following your dream! We will be with you in "spirit". You go, girl!!
Love, Anne Lucas and Family.

Unknown said...

Good luck!!

Angelface12 said...

good luck! i hope youi win! you're my musher for my school project!(:

Unknown said...

Hi Angie, I am Penny Ranniger's mom, following your race from Virginia. I have been praying for the safety of you, your dogs and all the other mushers! You are certainly an inspiration to me. God bless you. Faye Abbott