Friday, January 23, 2009

To go or not to go . . . that is the question?

Open water . . .
Ice and snow mixture

I am still waiting to hear if the Don Bowers 300 dog sled race is going to take place on Friday, January, 30th. According to the website, they will be making the decision to go on with the race or cancel it by Jan. 27th. This happens to be the day that I am to fly up for the race. I am a little nervous about how the trail will be since the temperature has been above freezing. The temperature, as of now, is 19+ degrees but with all the thawing that has happened I know that the trails are covered with ice and overflow making it hard to place a hook. The Tiaga 300 in April may be a better choice?!? I will try to update this as soon as I know if the race is a go or not.

Frostbitten Toe Update: I still have no feeling at the tip of my toe, but my doctor said that, if I leave it be, it should heal within a few months. Yay!

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