Sunday, March 29, 2009

30 Mile Run

There was a light dusting of ash on the ground when we got up today. I continued to gather gear and wrap booties into bundles of four this morning. I ran an eleven-dog team this afternoon along with Ray's team. We ran for three hours and covered about 30 miles.
(How fast were we traveling?) The day was overcast and around 35+ degrees. The snow was wet and slushy. Parts of the trail had small amounts of overflow or water on it. On our way back to the kennel we saw a big moose hiding off the trail in the willow trees. It was a great day to get back into the groove of mushing dogs. Tomorrow, Ray and I will be running a few more miles. I am not too sure how many more, but I know whatever we do will help condition the dogs for the 300-mile run. As the race day gets closer, I am getting more anxious to get up to Wolverine Lodge on Lake Louise
and start running!
Here is a math problem for the Houghtaling Dolphins:

Ms. Taggart needs two bundles ( a bundle is 4 booties) of booties for each of her twelve dogs. How many booties will she need altogether?

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